Friday 6 November 2009

New responses to the Ugandan Anti-homosexuality Bill

Fulcrum have published Andrew Goddard's Briefing on the Anti-Homosexuality Bill. It is a typically well-researched article by Andrew with many links to background information in other documents and web sites.

Anglican Mainstream have posted a response on their web site:

“Reports are circulating about proposed ‘anti-homosexual legislation’ in Uganda. Anglican Mainstream UK is in touch with senior church leaders in Uganda to ascertain what lies behind these reports and what should be the appropriate response from Christians in this country.”

David Virtue of VirtueOnline has responded to emails from myself and Susan Russell, President of Integrity.

David replied to Susan’s initial email as follows:

“I spoke with the archbishop's office in Uganda. He is upstate in the middle of the country trying to meet the REAL needs of people who are suffering from starvation, poverty and lack of water. He will respond when he returns.”

It’s stating the obvious to ask you, dear reader, to note that David (who has met Susan and myself on many occasions) doesn’t think LGBT people have real needs, or at least, the needs of gay Ugandans who might be sentenced to life imprisonment or death, as immaterial.

I asked David to please ask Archbishop Henry Orombi when he is going to fulfil the commitments he has made in Lambeth Resolution 1.10 and the Windsor Report to the pastoral care of homosexuals and how he is going to actively resist the Anti-Homosexuality Bill, in fulfillment of his commitment to oppose the demonising and ill treatment of homosexual persons.

David replied: “as soon as I hear anything so will you Colin...count on it. He is on the road as I said....”

There are no reports about the Bill on David’s web site

It’s worth remembering what James Nsaba Buturo, Uganda's Ethics and Integrity Minister said at a previous press conference. Calling for stricter laws to prosecute gays and lesbians, he said, “Who's going to occupy Uganda 20 years from now if we all become homosexuals. We know that homosexuals don't reproduce.” “There is now a globalization of homosexuality and people in Uganda are attempting to take advantage of the globalization. It is an attempt to end civilization. It is that serious.”
GayUganda, who carefully protects his anonymity, is reporting on the Bill. He sent Warren Throckmorton’s article to a number of people and received the following reply from MP Benson, who replied as follows:

Dear Anonymous Gay,

And you think this will deter us?

There are a very few aspects of the Bill that we can concede on like the Death Penalty and Extra-territorail Jurisdiction, but Gays won't have a field day in this country, try as the would. It is not about any of those Anti-Gay activists being attacked in the media. It is about Uganda. If only Gays could do it behind closed doors and not try to lure the innocent poor youth, it would be a different matter. But they are becoming bolder and bolder.


Let’s conclude with on a very different note by quoting from GayUganda on a day when he was unable to get online, missed checking his email as an internet addict, and wrote a meditation on his environment instead.

Beautiful day.

Don’t know whether it is the sudden impossibility of immersing myself in cyber, but I am looking out, and see beauty.

Sun is up and out. Not too hot, not too mild, just the most ‘right’ temperature, if you will forgive my language. Feels on the skin like we are at one, me and the outside. A microcosm of perfect intimacy.

Leaves on the trees are full, turgid. It has been raining for a few days now. Not the lashing, heavy thunderstorms, but, the fuller, longer lasting dew drops which take a bit longer to shake off, and, fill and sustain the ground. The plants are running riot. Yes, the fence, which was in danger of dying out in the dry season, it is running riot again. And, it is still. Very still.

From where I am, I can hear birds, bird song. Far and near, not angry, but the usual conversation of the members of the different species that are my neighbours. The whirr of a refrigerator. No need for air conditioning. No.
Peace. Calm.

Yeah, Uganda is beautiful.

But, it is the beauty of a rose. Thorns and bloom. I love this little, imperfect country. It is home, so that is no surprise.

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